Fitness, Fashion & Lifestyle Blog

Muskelaufbau bei Frauen: So machst du es richtig! - Gym Generation®

Building muscle in women: How to do it right!

Find out how you can effectively build muscle as a woman with tips on training, nutrition and recovery for maximum results ▻ Achieve your dream body now!

Building muscle in women: How to do it right!

Find out how you can effectively build muscle as a woman with tips on training, nutrition and recovery for maximum results ▻ Achieve your dream body now!

Monk Mode: In 90 Tagen zu deinem besten Selbst - Gym Generation®

Winter Arc: Becoming Your Best Self in 90 Days

Start the Winter Arc Challenge: Your 90-day journey to self-improvement, clarity and strength begins now. Become the best version of yourself.

Winter Arc: Becoming Your Best Self in 90 Days

Start the Winter Arc Challenge: Your 90-day journey to self-improvement, clarity and strength begins now. Become the best version of yourself.

Springseil Workout: Mit Seilspringen Cardio verbessern - Gym Generation®

Cardio: Jump rope like a boxer

Develop speed, coordination and cardio with jump ropes. ▻ Why top boxers like Floyd Mayweather swear by it and why you should also incorporate rope skipping.

Cardio: Jump rope like a boxer

Develop speed, coordination and cardio with jump ropes. ▻ Why top boxers like Floyd Mayweather swear by it and why you should also incorporate rope skipping.

Muskelaufbau: Soviel Eiweiss brauchst du wirklich - Gym Generation®

Building muscle: This is how much protein you r...

Find out the ideal protein requirement for effective muscle building » Scientific findings and practical tips on protein supply for athletes.

Building muscle: This is how much protein you r...

Find out the ideal protein requirement for effective muscle building » Scientific findings and practical tips on protein supply for athletes.

Bryan Johnson: Der Meister der Selbstoptimierung - Gym Generation®

Bryan Johnson: The master of self-optimization

By all means against aging - Bryan Johnson's blueprint for longevity that challenges aging and redefines the boundaries of life.

Bryan Johnson: The master of self-optimization

By all means against aging - Bryan Johnson's blueprint for longevity that challenges aging and redefines the boundaries of life.

Chris Bumstead: Der Weg zum Mr. Olympia 2023 - Gym Generation®

Chris Bumstead: The path to Mr. Olympia 2023

Chris Bumstead and his journey to Mr. Olympia 2023 ▻ Training philosophy, challenges and the increasing competition in Classic Physique.

Chris Bumstead: The path to Mr. Olympia 2023

Chris Bumstead and his journey to Mr. Olympia 2023 ▻ Training philosophy, challenges and the increasing competition in Classic Physique.

Fitness, fashion & lifestyle blog for men

Gym Generation is your ultimate fitness guide for men. We provide comprehensive articles on topics related to sports, fashion, and lifestyle, so you can stay up-to-date and optimize your workout. From tips on muscle building and strength training to suitable sportswear and the right sports accessories - you'll find everything you need for an active and stylish lifestyle. Get inspired and discover new trends to achieve your fitness goals. Follow us now and stay up-to-date!

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